Carretilla Automatica Giratoria MOD.: GCA 1250

Total long of the machine: .................................... 4055 mm
Maximun widht: .................................................... 2994 mm
Maximun heght: .................................................... 2352 mm
Installed total power: ............................................ 20 HP
Work tension: ....................................................... 400V AC
Tensión of service: ................................................ 24 V DC
TOTAL WEIGHT: ..................................................... 4300 Kg

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Carretilla Automatica Giratoria MOD.: GCA 1250 b Carretilla Automatica Giratoria MOD.: GCA 1250 c Carretilla Automatica Giratoria MOD.: GCA 1250 d Carretilla Automatica Giratoria MOD.: GCA 1250 e